Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Few Notes I took in CTCH 110 class

Discussion of the reading
1.       Research/question
2.       Define/translate
3.       Apply

Creative Technologies @U of R
Intersection of art and creativity, technology

What is technology?
-From the Greek “tekhne”: art or craft
-Modern definition for “technology”: Non-naturally occurring system or tool, and the techniques and contexts that surround and shape it
-example1: Paint brush
-example2: mac book
-example3: Roundup
-example4: medicine

-record player & DJ (repurposing of technology)

In this course we will examine
1.       Creative development of emerging (new) technologies
2.       Repurposing of “old” technology for new purposes, contexts
3.       Creative and critical questioning of technology and its relationship to culture

Elements of Creative Technology
-innovative scientific and engineering based tools, devices and systems, emerging in and effecting local contexts
-artistic, critical and creative practices engaging with these tools and systems, ……

Elements of Creative Technology in summary

What is CTECH?
Some Tests
-When we talk about the object/practice, do we have to talk about the technology in depth to understand it?
-Is it a new/emerging technology or a creative repurposing of an old technology?
-Does it challenge us to think about technology and culture differently?

Makers of Creative Technology
-Professional computer scientists and engineers
-Professional “new media artists”

Definition: New Media Art
-area of professional contemporary art practice related to new and emerging media forms (especially those utilizing the computer)
-tied to Visual Art and Mass Media histories but used across ……

Thinking about Technology
--Technology never exists in isolation
Questions computer ……
1.       Where the project funded and what is the agenda of the funding agent?  How will it shape the end goal?
2.       How does my creative practice advance the field?  What needs or stories am I addressing or exposing?
3.       What technologies are being chosen and why?
4.       Who can and can’t access this work and why?


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